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Buried Penis

Buried penis is a condition that affects boys and adult men. A buried penis is a penis which is covered by excess skin in the pubic area or scrotum. The sac of skin which covers the testicles is can scrotum. The penis is generally of normal length and function, but it is hidden.

The condition can be caused by

  • excess fat
  • fluid retention
  • problems with ligaments
  • complications after a circumcision

It can interfere in urination and sexual arousal, but it is generally treatable with surgery. The buried penis can also cause embarrassment and psychological harm.

Causes of Buried Penis:

  • Too much or not enough foreskin is removed during circumcision. The remaining skin may be pulled forward, hiding the penis.
  • Abnormally weak ligaments that attach the penis to the body.
  • Swelling of the scrotum due to the accumulation of lymphatic fluid lymphedema) can bury the penis.
  • Excess fat in an obese male may cover the penis.

It does not appear to be an inherited trait or anything to do with a person’s hormone.

Some complications of buried penis:

Buried penis often comes along with other physical conditions. A buried penis may lead to problems related to urinating in males of any age. Urine may frequently hit the scrotum or thighs and cause skin irritation and urinary tract infection. The skin on the penis can become inflamed. Infections such as balanitis are common due to hygiene challenges.

In adolescent and adult males, a buried penis may also make it more difficult to achieve an erection. If an erection is possible, it may be difficult to have sexual intercourse. Psychological problems related to self-esteem, anxiety, and depression commonly affect males with a buried penis.


A physical examination can be used to diagnose buried penis. Your doctor should be able to distinguish between the buried penis and a condition known as micropenis which is a small penis. If you or your child has symptoms of the buried penis, you should visit the doctor.


A buried penis can be difficult to treat in both children and adults. The treatments depend on the underlying cause. In infants and children, sometimes the condition goes away on its own. If buried penis does not go away on its own, surgery may be needed. Each case is unique so there is not one surgical technique which applies to every case. Though, there are different types of surgery. They include:

  • Removing scar tissue
  • Severing the ligaments which attach the base of the penis to the pubic bone
  • Using surgical suction catheters which are inserted through tiny incisions, fat cells are removed. The removal of fat cells is called suction lipectomy.
  • The removal of excess of fat and skin from the abdominal region is called abdominoplasty. It is also called “tummy tuck”.
  • Removing the fat tissue above the pubic area is called escutheonectomy.
  • Skin grafts are used to cover the area of the penis where coverage is lacking

Buried penis can also be treated with:

  • Medications: Antibiotics may be prescribed by the doctors if the buried penis caused an infection in the genital area.
  • Weight Loss: Before having surgery, patients who are obese are asked to reduce their weight. Though weight loss alone will not treat the condition, it may create complications during and after the surgery. Weight loss and nutritional counseling may help patients during and after surgery.
  • Psychological Counseling: Issues such as depression, sexual dysfunction, and low self-esteem may be addressed by mental health professionals.

For long term and a better outcome, surgical interventions could be done at a young age. As men age and have frequent erections, fat accumulation in the pubic area is more, this will complicate surgical procedures.

Successful treatments will make a great difference in the life of a man with a buried penis. Problems with sexual function and urination are mostly completely eliminated. If skin grafts are used, a period of several weeks is needed for the recovery of the appearance of the penis.

Once the condition has been treated, it is very unlikely for it to return in any form. If obesity or other manageable conditions are the reason, it is very important to maintain a healthy weight and good health post surgery. Proper genital hygiene should be discussed with the doctor.

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