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Thin Endometrium

The innermost layer of uterus is called Endometrium. A thick and salutary Endometrium is crucial for normal menstrual cycle and successful pregnancy. A thick and healthy Endometrium, also known as Uterine Lining, goes a long way in ensuring effective implantation of fertilized eggs inside uterus.

The optimal thickness for the endometrial lining is from 8mm to 1.2cm with it reaching its maximum thickness at the time of implantation around day 21 of a woman’s menstrual cycle. The growth of the endometrial lining is dependent upon the quality of blood flow to the uterus as well as the effect of estrogen in encouraging the lining to develop. Therefore the treatment approach when working with women that are prone to having a thin uterine lining is to increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, increase receptivity of the uterus to estrogen and balance reproductive hormones.


  • Appendix
  • Poor blood flow to the uterus
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Adhesions or scar tissue in the uterus, caused by trauma or infection
  • Hydrosalpinx
  • Chronic endometritis (infection of the endometrial cells)

Your doctor may suggest supplementary estrogen, either through the use of patches, suppositories, or oral pills. This is called “exogenous” estrogen, meaning that extra estrogen is being introduced into your system from the outside. In some cases, a doctor may recommend that you try a rFSH treatment such as Gonal-F to prompt your body to make more of its own estrogen. This is known as “endogenous” estrogen.

In order to grow a thick endometrial lining, the uterus requires a good supply of blood. Improving blood flow throughout your body will improve the blood flow to your pelvic regions, and it is one of the best things you can do to encourage the growth of your endometrial lining.

  • Partake in regular, moderate exercise.
  • If you are trying to improve your uterine lining, moving your body is very important.
  • Eliminate or limit substances which may restrict blood flow.Caffeine and nicotine are not good for your circulation: you should quit smoking and cut back coffee to one cup a day.
  • Consider your body weight.Women with a low BMI might want to think about gaining a little weight with the help of a nutritionist. Extra weight can promote pelvic blood flow, and fat cells produce additional estrogen.

The ovarian stimulation cycle and egg retrieval process can be tough on your body and hormones.FET has a success rate which compares favorably to fresh embryo transfer, and in some cases, taking a break allows the reproductive system to “reset” and lets the body devote its energy to growing a thick endometrial lining.

Intrauterine infusion of PRP improves the endometrial thickness in women with thin endometrium. It is a novel strategy for the thin endometrium with poor response to conventional therapy. PRP is prepared from autologous blood, theoretically there are minimal risks for disease transmission, immunogenic reactions and cancers.

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